Thursday, December 31, 2009

this old new year thing

I've been busy replying New Year greeting from all over the world,

stillcan't even find any single reason why in the world should I do that.

and, due to my current facebook status that's sayin

. .what's new year but a time to find the world a year older but not even an hour better, time to find yourself fail another 'new year resolution' you've been hanging on a tree, time to find everything's as lame as it used to be back then just like last year and the years before. .

they should realize earlier that they greet the wrong person.

yeah for short i never care bout all this cheap trumpet, fireworks and countdown thingy.
it drives me crazy every year to find this rotating planet a lil more obsolate than before, to find myself living in it for free jz to make it suffer a lil more, to find myself gazing at a piece of paper i wrote exactly a year ago that's sayin what i should've been doing before the calendar reaches its last page again.

this old new year thing,
got me choked on the neck,
drown me all over with regrets,
cz i waste everything i have n never realize it 'till it's gone.

this year i hv already turn 17,
and I MISS my childhood.
and if i look behind me in the timeline,
i can't even find anything worth the time that's given.
regrets r always useless, but the attempt to forget it is as useless as regretting itself.
so what should i do?

every new year with another old regrets.
wishing so bad to turn back time.
to correct all those mistakes.
to do better.
mayb i can try to do better,

, next year.

yeah, that's the problem.
next year won't be better.

no, I mean,

this would be the last post for this year cz a few hours from now,
it's no longer 2009.

regretfully but optimistly,
Welcome, 2010.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


. . juz another holiday story

jadi 2 hari yg lalu (27/12/2009) gw sekeluarga cabut ke Arus Liar di Sungai Citarik, Sukabumi.

males c sebenernya, tp gw ikutan hny krna berharap gw akhrnya bs merasakan liburan yg lebih ekstrim gitu dibanding duduk-diem-nonton tipi-maen lappie-teleponan-tidur2an-baca2 novel d rumah..

dan trnyata gw SALAH.

apaan ekstrimnya.

kayak naek perahu pancing ikan gitu, hohohohh

liat gak sih, airnya tenang banget, arusnya kecil banget, jalurnya tersedia dgn rapi gitu, untung dibilangin ada kamera jadi sempet senyum tuh^^

ada jg c yg lmyn keliatannya lumayan ekstrim ky ini nih.

yahh, boleh jugalah..
cm gw nyesel nggak menjatuhkan diri d tngah sungai pdhal udh berencana tuh, demi mencapai tingkat keekstriman yg lbh tinggi, wkwk tp GAGAL TOTAL >_<

price IDR 225 including 2 guides, 2 hours rafting, meal, welcome drink and certificate

nih, sertifikat ny, (belon gw namain)

that's it.

udah aja gitu?

abs apa lagi?

hehe, udh yh.

with this UNLIMITED INTERNET CONNECTION i promise to (try to) update more often.

yea ah.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

holiday stuffs

hey yeah.
back with me, shira, and the holiday story..
what seem to be the holiday story is, waking up almost noon, watch movies all day or read novels, lie at bed for hours listening to music, and stay on phone until late..
barely go out except to buy some other DVD to watch or potato chips to eat..

dan saat ini gw mw m'review sebagian hal2 yg nemenin liburan gw kali ini:

1) Here We Go Again - Demi Lovato (Music Album)

nggak semuanya bagus c lagu2nya, bnyak yg garing2nya juga,
rata2 lagunya breaking up songs
nih track listingnya, yg pake huruf besar semua itw lagu2 yg gw reccommend.
Track Listing:
2. Quiet
4. Falling Over Me
6. Stop The World
7. Catch Me
10. Shut Up And Love Me
12. For The Love Of A Daughter
13. World Of Chances

14. Gift Of A Friend
15. So Far So Great

2) 17 Again (Movie)

Zac Efron is rlyyyy awesome :)
filmnya touching bgt..
d sni c Zac berperan jd Mike O'Donnel ketika dy 17 tahun dan ketika dy balik lg jadi 17 tahun..
jalan ceritanya lumayan asik, meskipun agk gampang d tebak endingnya..

worth watchin ^^

3) Sang Pemimpi - Andrea Hirata (Book)
gw lagi baca ini nih, buku ke2 dr tetralogi karya Andrea Hirata..
dibandingkan Laskar Pelangi, buku k2 ini lebih puitis pilihan katanya tp ttp nggak terkesan 'lebay'.
ah, keren lah pokonya ^^

4) OUTLIERS (The Story Of Success) - Malcolm Gladwell

belum mulai gw baca c, masih nangkring gitu aja d atas meja, tapi gw berencana utk baca ni buku setelah selesai Sang Pemimpi..
kata bokap c ini ttg cerita orang2 sukses gitu, ntar gw review ulang deh pas udah selese bacanya :)
yang pasti gw sempet googling around dan trnyata buku ni lumayan populer.. hmm..
worth trying.

5) Brand New Eyes - Paramore (Music Album)

belum sempet denger semua c lagunya, tp lagunya Decode yg adlah salah satu sound tracknya film Twilight ada d album ini, & Ignorance jg, yg dlm waktu singkat sempet menduduki puncak MTV Chart Attack.

awesome, as always.
meskipun d album ini bnyk lagu yg 'minim' bnget gitu ky Misguided Ghost, trus lagu2nya jg nggak terlalu bervariasi, it's like they hv their own genre, gitu.

well those were what i will kill my time on.

Happy Holiday :)

Monday, December 21, 2009

H O M E and R E G R E T S

. . HOME sounds more complicated than it should,
it's confusion got me hooked,
cz yeah i'm not as tough as i wish i am,
and not any smarter than ppl said i am..

. . WHAT I WANT isn't show up clearly on my mind
clouded by obstacles, doubt and pain
challenge, then, is another chance to quit
not realizing that TIME is something to catch up with,
..until i miss it.

gw pulang, stlh 6 bulan bertandang k tmpat asing dmna gw SEHARUSNYA blajar layaknya seorang ank sekolah.
tp trnyata 6 bulan itw gak bs gw pertanggung jawabkan bahkan ke diri gw sndiri, sama sekali.


