Thursday, November 4, 2010

luckiest girl on earth (and that's not jz bcoz today is my bday lolz)

dedicated to k ayn, tirza, ellen, jane

1st of all,
THANK YOU THANK YOU very much 4 k ayn,
4 the late night visit,
4 the cake,
4 those candles,
4 the red cute shoes (love it) =)
4 those surprises,
4 being there perfectly in time,
4 every hug,
4 every minute,
4 every light,
4 every bliss,
4 understanding me better from any other person,
4 everything i've ever had until now,
and have i told you, that u're the best boyfriend in the world? :)
thank you just soooo daaaamn muuuuuuch.
i've never enjoyed this kind of day this much ^^
<3 uuuu

4 Tirza, Ellen and everybody there, whose name written on those red-black-white cards,
thank youuuu so much just 4 everything.lolz (maap potonya belom sempet d kirim2 & upload2)
4 the awesome cake,
4 each of those 44 cards,
4 everything lah pokonya.


(gga, gaada apapa, cma pgen teriak aja, lolz)

thank u 4 the video,
4 those pictures which took too long to crop and pair, which has suffer a lot of editing, lolz
thank you sooo much,

aaaandd theeeen,
i wish i could also share everything -all that i am now, everything i had and everything my heart ever feel - with youuuu.
but, apalah boleh dikata, jarak jua yang memisahkan kita *tsaaaaaah*
but u know what,
we're still soooooo damn close in the heart, i just can feel it :)
thank u 4 all wishes,
thank u 4 always being there 4 me despite the distance between us 2.
we'll remain best-friends 4ever, cross my heart :)

that's all 4 now.
thank you 4 everything that ever gotta be my reason to be THE LUCKIEST GIRL ON EARTH (and that's not jz bcoz today is my bday lolz)

<3 style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">..btw maap ya pake b. inggris,
kebiasaan kalo di blog.

1 comment:

  1. T.T
    elu yang Ultah, kok Gw yang terharuuuu....??? wkwkwk *alayyy*

    loe pantes dapetin itu semuaaaa...
    coz, U are specialll...

    kayak'y ucapan makasih ke gw telalu berlebihan... hehehe itu cm surprize sederhana...
    cm mau menyadarkan kalo Ultah tuh satu hal yang patut di syukuri... bukan cuma mengingatkan seberapa lama kita hidup di dunia... tapi seberapa banyak hal indah yang udah kita lakukan n kenang...pluss berapa bnyk orang yg kita sayang n menyayangi kita... *tsssaaaaaaa.......* alayy....

    and... untuk yang kesekian kalinya.....
    [H][A][P][P][Y] [B]'[D][A][Y]....
