Monday, November 29, 2010


they often rushed all over my head lately

dan yg bs gw lakukan hanyalah memikirkan hal2 menyenangkan yg bisa & akan gw lakukan,


dan, membuat semua ini jadi (setidaknya) sdkit lebih menyenangkan.
misalnya dgn ini :

apaan sih.
keadaan ini sdkit-bnyk membuatku gila -at any rate.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

luckiest girl on earth (and that's not jz bcoz today is my bday lolz)

dedicated to k ayn, tirza, ellen, jane

1st of all,
THANK YOU THANK YOU very much 4 k ayn,
4 the late night visit,
4 the cake,
4 those candles,
4 the red cute shoes (love it) =)
4 those surprises,
4 being there perfectly in time,
4 every hug,
4 every minute,
4 every light,
4 every bliss,
4 understanding me better from any other person,
4 everything i've ever had until now,
and have i told you, that u're the best boyfriend in the world? :)
thank you just soooo daaaamn muuuuuuch.
i've never enjoyed this kind of day this much ^^
<3 uuuu

4 Tirza, Ellen and everybody there, whose name written on those red-black-white cards,
thank youuuu so much just 4 everything.lolz (maap potonya belom sempet d kirim2 & upload2)
4 the awesome cake,
4 each of those 44 cards,
4 everything lah pokonya.


(gga, gaada apapa, cma pgen teriak aja, lolz)

thank u 4 the video,
4 those pictures which took too long to crop and pair, which has suffer a lot of editing, lolz
thank you sooo much,

aaaandd theeeen,
i wish i could also share everything -all that i am now, everything i had and everything my heart ever feel - with youuuu.
but, apalah boleh dikata, jarak jua yang memisahkan kita *tsaaaaaah*
but u know what,
we're still soooooo damn close in the heart, i just can feel it :)
thank u 4 all wishes,
thank u 4 always being there 4 me despite the distance between us 2.
we'll remain best-friends 4ever, cross my heart :)

that's all 4 now.
thank you 4 everything that ever gotta be my reason to be THE LUCKIEST GIRL ON EARTH (and that's not jz bcoz today is my bday lolz)

<3 style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">..btw maap ya pake b. inggris,
kebiasaan kalo di blog.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


juz a quickie post
rasanya aneh ya
tapi akhirnya gw menyerah jg sok2an ga bikin twitter dan SIGN UP juga, wkwk

follow me, ya.

Friday, July 23, 2010


..i'm telling u that what i'm trying to say is as clear as what u will read, that i rly swear i rly miss u.
like i mean it.
like i rly rly mean it.

and, you know what,
i miss u is not the same as i rly miss u.
no, it's soooo practically, fundamentally and miserably DIFFERENT.
and when i said i rly miss u, it doesn't mean i miss u. no.
what i mean is what i said and it's I RLY MISS U.
what i mean is what u heard and it's I RLY MISS U.

okaaayy i know this is too much,
at first i didn't know that this kinda feeling rly exist.
come on, it's jz for the beauty of words, i should've told myself at that kinda time.
but that was before i met u.

before i met u,

2242 km never been this hard.
rly hard.
and rly hard means rly hard. not hard.
what i mean is what i said, and yeah i'm sure u've heard it all before


Thursday, July 1, 2010

. . my absence . .

hey there.
so i assume u notice my absence this few months. lolz. (sok penting banget gw wkwk)
even i can't believe that i could make it through, months without even a post!

so here goes the story.
in a quiet evening, with no sign of chaos, everything was peaceful and well.
suddenly some1 who had been using my laptop from the day before knock the dormitory door, reluctantly, i can tell.
and yea she said shrilly -no doubt- that my laptop is not working anymore.
idk what's wrong, and now my dad has even replace the motherboard with the new one,
it worked for a few days and then it's not anymore.
so that's the reason for my absence.
and that's it.
i'm not in the mood of writing now.
mayb later i'll edit this one


(post ga berguna wkwk)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

a thing or two about distance

actually there's so much things to tell y'all,
but i can barely remember 'em all.
but most of all, i'm not in the mood of recalling those things.

as for now,
the feeling i'm feeling is something normally abnormal,
it's something you'd probably feel when after a few weeks you can at last meet ur families and hometown friends,
you must let yourself go. away.
2242 km away.

today is my FIRST day at Manado again,
after i arrived exactly at midnight.
at a glance, everything's perfectly normal, i'm used to it anyway.
FAR AWAY FROM HOME, is where i belong anyway.
so i stepped off the aircraft, look around the Sam Ratulangi Airport, still exactly the same as when i left nearly a month ago.
and this first sight represent perfectly where I AM NOW and where I WILL BE for a couple of years to come.

i could instantly mention the things i've already miss by now,
like the green public transportation, the light rain in the afternoons, the Bossanova music we're used to listen at home in the mornings, those random conversations in the car as we drive back home from curch,
and there's many other things.

this first morning when i crawl into my bed,
i've been thinking about what's happening inside my head.
and i tried to find some reasons i can still be thankful,
and i found it.

that, fairly,,
there're things i've been missing, too.
things i can only find here, in Manado.
my strict dorm life (hey, I SWEAR I MISS IT, lolz), a tricky afternoon sneaking out of the scool gate, dining's foods (jz some of them, haha), evening heart-warming chat at Lp. Sparta, Tikala with and only with ****. lolliez.
and there're more.

and as i write this, a smooth rain began to wet the basketball yard, reminds me of those afternoons back in my hometown,
and as i plan to live a better and happier life here as a compensation of being far away from those things i miss (yeah, i know that those thing are not rly related), i can see and realize,
that things around me,
good or bad,
great or small,
are things i need the most.

and if i open my mind wide,
(maybe) DISTANCE,
is rly not a reason i can't have something anymore.
the afternoon rains, the home morning musics and all those things are still mine, stored in my head and live in my memory.
and if i open both eyes and arms wide,
(maybe) DISTANCE,
is not that bad at all :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

weird yet funny things

..jadi kemaren gw dan temen2 skelas pas SMP dulu ngumpul tuh d rumahnya Putri, yg notabene ad d sklh SMP dlu..

teruuuuuuuuuss, abis salam2an taun baru (sumpah, ky org2 di kondangan gitu, hehe), stlah ngobrol2 ngalor-ngidul mulai dr gantungan kunci "jaud" (ya ampun smoga gk ada ngerti) pny c herky, gw yg kurusan, jidatnya kevin c, semua2nya diomongin, qt mulai deh ngerusuh lagi di rumahnya c Uthie, ky zaman SMP dulu (sok tua gw, wkwk)

qt nntn yg nmnya PARANORMAL ACTIVITY nih..
dan buat mereka yg blm sempet nonton ni film,
SELAMAT, anda salah satu dari org2 yg beruntung utk tdk menghabis2kan waktu anda duduk menghadap layar TV utk ngeliat kegiatan sepasang cwe-cwo freak setiap harinya,
nyari2 hantu gitu, tapi yg muncul cuma mereka berdua maen ayunan, mereka berdua ngobrol di dapur, mereka brdua tidur malem2, bangun pagi2, gitu2 aja, hahaha..
dan qt memutuskan utk nggak membuang2 waktu lbh lama lagi utk ngeliat adegan pintu kebuka sendiri ky ditiup angin gitu, lampu goyang2 ky lg gempa kecil, ah biasa banget..
ktnya endingnya sih serem, tp prjalanan menuju ending itu loh, NGEBOSENIN..

d film itu ada adegan c cowo brniat m nyamperin sumber suara2 aneh gitu, trus cwe nya bilang, "be careful",
emang dasar film bajakan, di teksnya tertulis, "liver liver" yg kalo diterjemahin artinya "hati-hati" (be careful). hahaha. ditulis tanpa rasa bersalah gitu, "LIVER LIVER" ahahahahaha.

abis itu foto2 dh :)

trus ceritanya kemaren itu anniversary nya bokap & nyokap gw,
yeyy, congratz Mom, Dad..
rada aneh jg c, abisnya nyokap blgnya kemaren, tapi kt bokap hari ini,
tp akhrnya d rayainnya hri ini, haha..
org2 bisik2 d kejauhan : "pasangan suami istri yang aneh"

ade gw yg paling kecil, c Karis, bilang gini pas qt smua lagi pada nyalam Mama & Papa buat blg slmt,
"Pa, Ma, kok waktu Papa ama Mama nikah aku nggak d undang siiiiiiiiihh?" dengan tampang innocent anak kecil gitu,

that's all for now.